Jersey 3.1.0-M3 has been released!

Jersey 3.1.0-M3 is Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1 compatible implementation. And we are happy to announce that it has been finally released to maven central.

Jakarta REST 3.1 Specification is a part of Jakarta EE 10, which will be released in June 2022.

What’s next?

Jersey 3.1.0 final will be released as soon as all the required EE 10 dependencies are out in the maven central.

Along with Jersey 3.1.0, also Jersey 3.0.5 (Jakarta EE 9 compatible) and Jersey 2.36 (Jakarta EE 8 compatible) will be released. Jersey 2.x, (EE8), and Jersey 3.0.x (EE9) will continue to be released in alignment with Jersey 3.1.x (EE 10) – the new features and fixes come to as many branches as possible.

Jakarta EE 11

For Jakarta EE 11, Jakarta REST 4.0 and Jersey 4.0 are planned. Jersey 4.0 shall bring support for both CDI full and CDI light, which would become the main DI in the framework.

Hope you enjoy

As always, we would like to hear from you how you like Jersey. For any particular issues or enhancement requests, please feel free to use the Jersey issue tracker.

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